
Wednesday, March 13, 2024

ubi Hopia

Ube Hopia Recipe:

Flour Dough:
256g APFlour
Pinch of Salt
125ml Water, room temp
125ml Cooking Oil

Butter Dough:
192g APFlour
100g White Sugar
113g Butter, room temp

600g Ube Filling

1. Combine flour dough ingredient in a bowl just until it becomes a dough. Cover and chill in fridge. 
2. Combine butter dough ingredients until wet sand texture then cover and chill in fridge. 
3. Portion your ube filling to 25g each ball. 
4. Combine and knead together until just combined. Be careful not to overmix. 
5. Portion to 24pcs each. 
6. Cover filling with dough. Use cookie cutter to shape. 
7. Chill for atleast an hour. 
8. Fry without oil. Dont forget to fry the sides as well. 
9. Serve slightly warm or completely cool down. 

Enjoy bestfriends! 😍

Monday, July 13, 2020

Donat Yummi

Donat yummi

Source resep Ig Tintin Rayner
Recook : CaseyCake

Bahan bahan
350 grTepung Cakra
150 grTepung Segitiga
80 gr Gula Pasir
3 butirKuning Telur
1 butirPutih Telur
75 ccSusu Cair
150 ccAir Es (air dingin banget)

( saya : 150cc susu cair
             75 cc air )

10 grRagi Instan
10 gr Susu Bubuk
1/2 sdt Vanilla powder/esens
Tambahan : Baking powder dan bread improver
(kebetulan punya stock)

Bahan Ke2 :
5 gramGaram
100 gramButter

Langkah2 roti:
1.aduk semua bahan kering,masukan sisa bahan,uleni/mixer sampe kalisss
2.masukkan bahan no 2,uleni/mixer lg sampe elastiss halus,lalu bulatkan diamkan 10 menit
3.Gilas,cetak bulat2 seperti di foto step2
4. Diamkan sampe mengembang 2x lipat-sekitar1 jam
5. Goreng dalam minyak panas sedang cukup dibalik 1x aja sampe matang yah

Buat saya resep ini enak dan empuk salah satu alternative kalau malas buat donat kentang karena mesti ngukus kentang atau pakai potato flake..